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basic_ostream basic_stringstreambasic_iostream basic_iosios_base basic_istream

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <sstream> 
template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> >
class basic_stringstream
: public basic_iostream<charT, traits>


The template class basic_stringstream<charT,traits,Allocator> provides functionality to read and write to an array in memory. It supports writing and reading objects of class basic_string<charT,traits,Alocator>. It uses a basic_stringbuf object to control the associated storage. It inherits from basic_iostream and therefore can use all the formatted and unformatted output and input functions.


template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> >
class basic_stringstream 
: public basic_iostream<charT, traits> {


  typedef basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>  sb_type;
  typedef basic_ios<charT, traits>                   ios_type;

  typedef basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>     string_type;

  typedef traits                            traits_type;
  typedef charT                             char_type;
  typedef typename traits::int_type         int_type;
  typedef typename traits::pos_type         pos_type;
  typedef typename traits::off_type         off_type;

  explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which = 
                              ios_base::out | ios_base::in);

  explicit basic_stringstream(const string_type& str,
                              ios_base::openmode which =
                              ios_base::out | ios_base::in);

  virtual ~basic_stringstream();

  basic_stringbuf<charT,traits,Allocator> *rdbuf() const;
  string_type str() const;

  void str(const string_type& str);




    The type char_type is a synonym for the template parameter charT.


    The type int_type is a synonym of type traits::in_type.


    The type ios_type is an instantiation of class basic_ios on type charT.


    The type off_type is a synonym of type traits::off_type.


    The type pos_type is a synonym of type traits::pos_type.


    The type sb_type is an instantiation of class basic_stringbuf on type charT.


    The type string_type is an instantiation of class basic_string on type charT.


    The type stringstream is an instantiation of class basic_stringstream on type char:

    typedef basic_stringstream<char> stringstream;


    The type traits_type is a synonym for the template parameter traits.


    The type wstringstream is an instantiation of class basic_stringstream on type wchar_t:

    typedef basic_stringstream<wchar_t> wstringstream;


explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which =
                   ios_base::in | ios_base::out);

    Constructs an object of class basic_stringstream, initializing the base class basic_iostream with the associated string buffer. The string buffer is initialized by calling the basic_stringbuf constructor basic_stringbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>(which).

explicit basic_stringstream(const string_type& str,
                   ios_base::openmode which =
                   ios_base::in | ios_base::out);

    Constructs an object of class basic_stringstream, initializing the base class basic_iostream with the associated string buffer. The string buffer is initialized by calling the basic_stringbuf constructor basic_stringbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>(str,which).


virtual ~basic_stringstream();

    Destroys an object of class basic_stringstream.

Member Functions

rdbuf() const;

    Returns a pointer to the basic_stringbuf associated with the stream.

str() const;

    Returns a string object of type string_type whose contents is a copy of the underlying buffer contents.

str(const string_type& str);

    Clears the string buffer and copies the string object str into it. If the opening mode is in, initializes the input sequence to point at the first character of the buffer. If the opening mode is out, initializes the output sequence to point at the first character of the buffer. If the opening mode is out | app, initializes the output sequence to point at the last character of the buffer.


// stdlib/examples/manual/stringstream.cpp

void main ( )
  using namespace std;

  // create a bi-directional wstringstream object 
  wstringstream inout;

  // output characters
  inout << L"Das ist die rede von einem man" << endl;
  inout << L"C'est l'histoire d'un home" << endl;
  inout << L"This is the story of a man" << endl;

  wchar_t p[100];

  // extract the first line

  // output the first line to stdout
  wcout << endl << L"Deutch :" << endl;
  wcout << p;

  // extract the second line

  // output the second line to stdout
  wcout << endl << L"Francais :" << endl;
  wcout << p;

  // extract the third line

  // output the third line to stdout
  wcout << endl << L"English :" << endl;
  wcout << p;
  // output the all content of the
  //wstringstream object to stdout
  wcout << endl << endl << inout.str();

See Also

char_traits(3C++), ios_base(3C++), basic_ios(3C++), basic_stringbuf(3C++), basic_string(3C++), basic_istringstream(3C++), basic_ostringstream(3c++)

Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems--Programming Language C++, Section 27.7.3

Standards Conformance

ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee

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