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...codecvt_base codecvt_bynamecode_cvt ... ...locale::facet


A facet that provides code set conversion classification facilities based on the named locales.

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <locale>
template <class charT> class codecvt_byname;


The codecvt_byname template provides the same functionality as the codecvt template, but specific to a particular named locale. For a description of the member functions of codecvt_byname, see the reference for codecvt. Only the constructor is described here.


template <class fromT, class toT, class stateT>
class codecvt_byname : public codecvt<fromT, toT, stateT> {
  explicit codecvt_byname(const char*, size_t refs = 0);
  ~codecvt_byname();  // virtual
  virtual result do_out(stateT&,
                        const internT*, 
                        const internT*, 
                        const internT*&,
                        externT*, externT*,
                        externT*&) const;
  virtual result do_in(stateT&,
                       const externT*, 
                       const externT*, 
                       const externT*&,
                       internT*, internT*,
                       internT*&) const;

  virtual bool do_always_noconv() const throw();
  virtual int do_length(const stateT&, const internT*, 
                        const internT*,
  virtual int do_max_length() const throw();
  virtual int do_encoding() const throw();


explicit codecvt_byname(const char* name, size_t refs = 0);

    Construct a codecvt_byname facet. The facet will provide codeset conversion relative to the named locale specified by the name argument. If the refs argument is 0, destruction of the object is delegated to the locale, or locales, containing it. This allows the user to ignore lifetime management issues. On the other had, if refs is 1, the object must be explicitly deleted: the locale will not do so. In this case, the object can be maintained across the lifetime of multiple locales.

See Also

locale, facets, codecvt

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