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reverse_bidirectional_iterator, reverse_iterator

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reverse_bidirectional_iterator, reverse_iterator



An iterator that traverses a collection backwards.

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <iterator>

template <class BidirectionalIterator,
          class T,
          class Reference = T&,
          class Pointer = T*
          class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
class reverse_bidirectional_iterator : public 
      iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,T, Distance> ;

template <class RandomAccessIterator, 
          class T, 
          class Reference = T&,
          class Pointer = T*, 
          class Distance = ptrdiff_t>  
class reverse_iterator : public 


The iterators reverse_iterator and reverse_bidirectional_iterator correspond to random_access_iterator and bidirectional_iterator, except they traverse the collection they point to in the opposite direction. The fundamental relationship between a reverse iterator and its corresponding iterator i is established by the identity:

&*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i-1); 

This mapping is dictated by the fact that, while there is always a pointer past the end of a container, there might not be a valid pointer before its beginning.

The following are true for reverse_bidirectional_iterators :

  • These iterators may be instantiated with the default constructor or by a single argument constructor that initializes the new reverse_bidirectional_iterator with a bidirectional_iterator.

  • operator* returns a reference to the current value pointed to.

  • operator++ advances the iterator to the previous item (--current) and returns a reference to *this.

  • operator++(int) advances the iterator to the previous item (--current) and returns the old value of *this.

  • operator-- advances the iterator to the following item (++current) and returns a reference to *this.

  • operator--(int) Advances the iterator to the following item (++current) and returns the old value of *this.

  • operator== This non-member operator returns true if the iterators x and y point to the same item.

The following are true for reverse_iterators :

  • These iterators may be instantiated with the default constructor or by a single argument constructor which initializes the new reverse_iterator with a random_access_iterator.

  • operator* returns a reference to the current value pointed to.

  • operator++ advances the iterator to the previous item (--current) and returns a reference to *this.

  • operator++(int) advances the iterator to the previous item (--current) and returns the old value of *this.

  • operator-- advances the iterator to the following item (++current) and returns a reference to *this.

  • operator--(int) advances the iterator to the following item (++current) and returns the old value of *this.

  • operator== is a non-member operator returns true if the iterators x and y point to the same item.

  • operator!= is a non-member operator returns !(x==y).

  • operator< is a non-member operator returns true if the iterator x precedes the iterator y.

  • operator> is a non-member operator returns y < x.

  • operator<= is a non-member operator returns !(y < x).

  • operator>= is a non-member operator returns !(x < y).

  • The remaining operators (<, +, - , +=, -=) are redefined to behave exactly as they would in a random_access_iterator, except with the sense of direction reversed.


All iterator operations are required to take at most amortized constant time.


template <class BidirectionalIterator,
          class T,
          class Reference = T&,
          class Pointer = T*,
          class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
class reverse_bidirectional_iterator
   : public iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,T, Distance> {
    typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<BidirectionalIterator, T, 
                                           Pointer, Distance> self;
    friend bool operator== (const self&, const self&);
    reverse_bidirectional_iterator ();
    explicit reverse_bidirectional_iterator
    BidirectionalIterator base ();
    Reference operator* ();
    self& operator++ ();
    self operator++ (int);
    self& operator-- ();
    self operator-- (int);

// Non-member Operators

  template <class BidirectionalIterator,
            class T, class Reference,
            class Pointer, class Distance>
  bool operator== (
     const reverse_bidirectional_iterator
      const reverse_bidirectional_iterator

template <class BidirectionalIterator,
            class T, class Reference,
            class Pointer, class Distance>
  bool operator!= (
     const reverse_bidirectional_iterator
      const reverse_bidirectional_iterator

template <class RandomAccessIterator,
          class T, 
          class Reference = T&,
          class Pointer = T*, 
          class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
class reverse_iterator
   : public iterator<random_access_iterator_tag,T,Distance> {

    typedef reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference, 
                             Pointer, Distance> self;

    friend bool operator==    (const self&, const self&);
    friend bool operator<     (const self&, const self&);
    friend Distance operator- (const self&, const self&);
    friend self operator+     (Distance, const self&);
    reverse_iterator ();
    explicit reverse_iterator (RandomAccessIterator);
    RandomAccessIterator base ();
    Reference operator* ();
    self& operator++ ();
    self operator++ (int);
    self& operator-- ();
    self operator-- (int);

    self  operator+ (Distance) const;
    self& operator+= (Distance);
    self operator- (Distance) const;
    self& operator-= (Distance);
    Reference operator[] (Distance);

// Non-member Operators

    template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
              class Reference, class Pointer,
              class Distance> bool operator== (
        const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                               Reference, Pointer,
        const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                               Reference, Pointer,

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
              class Reference, class Pointer,
              class Distance> bool operator!= (
        const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                               Reference, Pointer,
        const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                               Reference, Pointer,

     template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> bool operator< (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> bool operator> (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> bool operator<= (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> bool operator>= (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,

     template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> Distance operator- (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,

     template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T,
               class Reference, class Pointer,
               class Distance> 
      reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                       Reference, Pointer,
                       Distance> operator+ (
         const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
                                Reference, Pointer,


// rev_itr.cpp
 #include <iterator>
 #include <vector>
 #include <iostream.h>

 int main()
   //Initialize a vector using an array
   int arr[4] = {3,4,7,8};
   vector<int> v(arr,arr+4);
   //Output the original vector
   cout << "Traversing vector with iterator: " << endl << "     ";
   for(vector<int>::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++)
     cout << *i << " ";
   //Declare the reverse_iterator
   vector<int>::reverse_iterator rev(v.end());
   vector<int>::reverse_iterator rev_end(v.begin());
   //Output the vector backwards
   cout << endl << endl;
   cout << "Same vector, same loop, reverse_itertor: " << endl
        << "     ";
   for(; rev != rev_end; rev++)
     cout << *rev << " ";
   return 0;

Output :
Traversing vector with iterator:
     3 4 7 8
Same vector, same loop, reverse_itertor:
     8 7 4 3


If your compiler does not support default template parameters, then you need to always supply the Allocator template argument. For instance, you will need to write :

vector<int, allocator<int> >

instead of :


See Also


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