Personal tools
ICTP has joined the GARR Italian eduroam federation and is now a member of the worldwide eduroam service federation.
"open your laptop and be online"
ICTP has joined the GARR Italian eduroam federation ( and is now a member of the worldwide eduroam service federation (
ICTP, as such, complies to the Regulations of the Federazione Italiana eduroam.
ICTP, as such, complies to the Regulations of the Federazione Italiana eduroam.
ICTP has two roles in this framework: Service Provider (SP) and Identity
Provider (IdP)
Provider (IdP)
- SP - Service Provider
Guest users that belong to eduroam federated institution can connect to ICTP network using their own credential (user/password or certificates) which they normally use at home.(ICTP as As Service Provider is forwarding requests from users visiting this SP to the responsible remote eduroam IdP.
- IdP - Identity Provider
ICTP users, when visiting other eduroam federated institutions, can connect to the hosting network using their own ICTP credentials (user/password).(ICTP as an IdP is responsible for authenticating its own users, at home or remotely when visiting another institution, by checking the credentialsagainst a local Identity Management System).
NOTE: Authentication setting for username should be set to your ICTP user account followed by, as in:
SSID used is "eduroam".
Here you can find instructions on how to configure the wireless network in ICTP.
List of TCP/UDP open ports:
Service | Protocol / Port | Direction |
Standard IPSec VPN | IP protocol 50 (ESP) IP protocol 51 (AH) UDP port 500 (IKE) |
incoming and outgoing incoming and outgoing outgoing |
OpenVPN 2.0 | UDP port 1194 | incoming and outgoing |
IPv6 Tunnel broker service | IP protocol 41 | incoming and outgoing |
IPSec NAT-Traversal | UDP/4500 | incoming and outgoing |
Cisco IPSec VPN over TCP | TCP/10000 | outgoing |
PPTP VPN | TCP port 1723
IP protocol 47 (GRE) |
incoming and outgoing outgoing |
SSH | TCP port 22 | outgoing |
HTTP | TCP port 80 TCP port 443 TCP port 3128 TCP port 8080 |
outgoing outgoing outgoing outgoing |
Mail sending | TCP port 465 TCP port 587 |
outgoing outgoing |
Mail reception | TCP port 143 TCP port 993 TCP port 110 TCP port 995 |
outgoing outgoing outgoing outgoing |
FTP (passive) | TCP port 21 | outgoing |
Acceptable Use Policies - AUP
As an eduroam user, you are bound by several Acceptable UsePolicies:
- When at ICTP, you are bound to the GARR AUP, to ICTP AUP and, if you are visting us, your home organisation's AUP.
- When using eduroam as an ICTP visitor to an external organisation, you are bound by ICTP AUP and the ones of the external organisation and hosting network.
The breach of AUP could result in disciplinary procedures at your home site or at the visiting location.
- When at ICTP, you are bound to the GARR AUP, to ICTP AUP and, if you are visting us, your home organisation's AUP.
- When using eduroam as an ICTP visitor to an external organisation, you are bound by ICTP AUP and the ones of the external organisation and hosting network.
The breach of AUP could result in disciplinary procedures at your home site or at the visiting location.
"proxy" service is present at ICTP, proxy setup is documented in, "Web browsing" section. If you do not configure proxy settings, interception proxy is deployed automatically. It will NOT require users to submit personal information before gaining access to the Internet.
For problems, if you are a visitor at ICTP, you should first contact your home organisation eduroam support for help: they will track the problem and in case contact us.
If you are an ICTP eduroam user having problems with eduroam, also when visiting other organisations, contact our Helpdesk.