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Noted physicists awarded Dirac Medal
Ceremony honours work related to string theory
Carbon research published in PNAS
Researchers from Condensed Matter section among authors
ICTP research published in PNAS
Research related to flux states in metabolic networks
ICTP hosts famous mathematician
Professor Vladimir I. Arnold to give 2 lectures while in Trieste
Awanou awarded Sloan Fellowship
Former Diploma student receives prestigious fellowship
Women scientists at Ecology Workshop
For the first time, women outnumber men at workshop
ICTP research in Physical Review Letters
Article highlights discovery related to superconductive materials
Low-cost, wireless ICT in Developing Countries
ICTP school and workshop promote best-practice solutions
ICTP offers 3000 hours of free online courses
Physics and maths lectures are from ICTP's Diploma Programme
Physics Training for Developing World
ICTP promoting low-cost tools for teacher, student training