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Condolence messages

Messages of condolences

        I am so depressed to hear that one of my best friends died suddenly. It is a loss for the ICTP community, Trieste University, Trieste, Italy, and the whole optics community as well as his family. I cannot say in words what he has done for scientists who came to know him. I think we lost him but we did not lose him as a model in our life.

Abbaker Ali Abdalla
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
University of Khartoum
P. O. Box 321

    This is really sad and a great loss indeed to all of us who have had contact with him. Gallieno was a very pleasant and accommodating personality.
    May the LORD comfort his family!

J.O. Adeniyi
Physics Department
University of Ilorin
P.M.B. 1515
Kwara State

        I am very sad to hear about the death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. Really it is very distressing. Professor Denardo was a friend of Jordan and Jordanian Physicists and Mathematicians. May God rest his soul in peace! I will announce his death in the Jordanian Times newspaper.
    Thank you for this information.

Mashhour Ibrahim Al Ali
Department of Mathematics
Mutah University
P.O. Box 7

    We heard the shocking news that our beloved professor Denardo is dead. This is a great loss to us. It is a great loss to the ICTP community. We really lost a great father.

Bashir Ali
Mathematics Department
Bayero University
P.M.B. 3011

    I was shocked and saddened to learn about the sudden demise of my dear friend Gallieno.
    I have known him for a period of over thirty years. He was more than a friend. He was very helpful, optimistic and championed the cause of development of science in Africa, particularly the study of Laser Physics. He paid special attention to young people and promoted the interest of women and disadvantaged scientists. He had time for everybody. His office was always full of young scientists seeking advice which he readily gave.
    Gallieno was an excellent unofficial Ambassador of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in the developing countries. He worked very hard for the development of science in the developing countries in his position as head of the Office of External Activities. I send my deepest condolences to his family and the ICTP Community.
    We shall miss him.

Francis K. Allotey
Society of African Physicists & Mathematicians
P.O. Box 197

    We are in Sao Paulo at the moment for an ALOP workshop. Here's a message from me and the ALOP team:
    We were deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the death of our friend and colleague Gallieno Denardo on the 23rd July. We would like to extend our sincerest condolences to his family and his colleagues at ICTP.
    We were very fortunate to have worked with Gallieno during the planning phase of this UNESCO project on Active Learning in Optics and Photonics (ALOP) and we warmly remember his enthusiastic and skillful support to the project. He was a very kind person who was always willing to give his time and knowledge to help physics education, especially in developing countries.
    We are deeply saddened that we will not have him around us anymore.

Minella Alarcon (UNESCO), Alex Mazzolini (Australia), Zohra Ben Lakhdar (Tunisia), Souad Lahmar (Tunisia), Vengu Lakshminarayanan (USA), David Sokoloff (USA), Ivan Culaba (Philippines), Joel Maquiling (Philippines)

    The news about Professor Denardo's death has come as a shock to me, and I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to his wife, you and to ICTP.
Professor Denardo was a good friend of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC). We continue to cherish his duty visits to Ghana (GAEC, University of Cape Coast, etc) and the numerous instances of assistance he gave us. We pray that the GOOD LORD will keep his soul in perfect peace and cause his good works to mankind to follow him.
    With much love and prayers!

John H. Amuasi
Coordinator/Dean, School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences
University of Ghana and Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

    I was shocked and greatly saddened by the news that Gallieno had died. I feel that we have lost a real force for good in the world. It was an honor to present him with SPIE’s Educator Award, a token of the respect in which we held him and his contributions. His genuine interest in the less fortunate through the world and what he did to try to improve conditions through advancing their scientific infrastructure was inspirational to me and many in SPIE. I very much enjoyed working with him and hope that we can continue his good work in some way.
    I want you to know that the SPIE leadership is anxious and willing to sustain and support the optics activities at the ICTP. The sudden loss of our dear friend may put an additional burden on you. Let us know how we could help.

Eugene G. Arthurs

    I have learned with shock and sadness the untimely death of Prof. Gallieno Denardo. Indeed ICTP has lost, forever, one of its most loyal friends. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in perfect peace!

Alex Asante
University of Cape Coast
Computer Centre
Cape Coast

    I just came to know about Professor Denardo. I'm very sorry, I saw him a couple of times, but I'm sure he was a great scientist and person.
    Best regards,

Darya Bairasheuskaya
International Sakharov Environmental University (ISEU)
Dolgobrodskaya Str.
P.O. Box 23
220009 Minsk

    I am greatly saddened to learn of the passing of Professor Denardo. I'm sending you my most sincere condolences and deepest sympathy on this big loss. I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to all ICTP staff, all national scientists, researchers and academicians, and all the international scientific community.

A. Barhdadi
Head of PSES Laboratory
Head of the Physics Department
Ecole Normale Supérieure
P.O.Box. 5118

    I am deeply touched by the death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. I present my sincere condolences to his family, his friends and all those who knew him.     That God has his heart.

Farida Bentayeb
Département de Physique
Faculté des Sciences
Avenue Ibn Battota

    I'm deeply distressed about the news of the passing away of our good friend Gallieno Denardo.
    We will remember him as an enthusiastic physicist.

Robert Blinc & the Jozef Stefan Institute
The Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana

    It is with deep regret that I learnt today of the passing away of dear Professor Denardo. I therefore wish to use this medium to extend my sincere sympathy to the bereaved family and the entire scientific community over there.
    May his soul find rest in perfect peace!
    With deep regards,

Brice Rodrigue Malonda Boungou
Université Marien-Ngouabi
Faculté des Sciences
Département de Physique
B.P. 69
People's Republic of Congo

    I talked to Gallieno at Eleonora's office before my departure. He told me he wanted to come to ICTP but with difficulty and I advised him to get the POP off first. I am not lucky. The end has become painful for me. I am left alone. What happened? A great loss to us in Africa and me especially! I am down with fever and now recovering.

Paul K. Buah-Bassuah
Laser and Fibre Optics Centre (LAFOC)
Department of Physics
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast

   I was one of the few fortunate young Africans to have had interaction with Prof. Gallieno Denardo after the ICTP Winter College on Atomic and Molecular Physics in 1985 at Trieste. My association with Prof. Denardo afterwards through his instrumentation in my formation period in scientific research work in Italy and establishment of LAFOC in Ghana, opened up a lot of successful programmes and projects in Ghana and West Africa to the benefit of the continent, Africa. His special interest in driving some activities in some sub-saharan African countries through some of us helped to put the disadvantaged young scientists together through a network of scientific work. He was tough and tender with his actions and committed to his duties.
    I became very close to him through his fatherly care and counseling in order to see to it that initiated projects were well monitored and executed. Though results to be accrued from some of such projects were slow, he was not perturbed but had the patience to give the new sense of direction. He mentored me to supervise effectively to achieve positive results in our endeavors. This is the great man who succeeded through the ICTP Office of External Activities within the Affiliated Centres to train young scientists to obtain M. Phil and Ph.D in Physics in Africa. He salvaged brain drain on the continent and promoted brain gain in Trieste through ICTP visits of such scientists. He understood African problems and gradually found some solutions to them. He was selfless, devoted, honest and pragmatic. He was meritoriously awarded “Honoris Causas (D. Litt)” by my university in Ghana for his contributions to Africa.
    My last contact with Prof. Denardo on telephone on 18th July, 2007 ,a day before my departure to Ghana from ICTP , Trieste was memorable and I quote “ Paul take good care of your health as you have not been well of late and we cannot afford to miss you. Sooner or later, I will be well. As usual, we shall meet in February, 2008 at the Winter College in Optics. I will invite you.” This is his last words to me. He was talking to me sick in the house and in five days later , I was informed he has left the world to eternity. I have really lost him as a mentor, friend and helper. May his good works live on. May God bless him. May he soul rest in perfect peace.

Paul K. Buah-Bassuah
ICTP Affiliated Centre in Ghana
Laser and Fibre Optics Centre (LAFOC)
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast, Ghana

Received 7th February 2008

    I did not know that Professor Denardo had passed away. I am really sorry. He was a very good friend and a devoted professional.
    Best regards,

Cesar Camacho
Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (I.M.P.A.)
Edificio Lelio Gama
Estrada Dona Castorina 110
Jardim Botanico
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro

    We are still shocked by the news of Gallieno's death. This is a big human and personal loss.
    Gallieno has been not only an excellent and dedicated promoter of scientific cooperation particularly for the benefit of the poorer countries, but also and above all a human being with a big heart - which never failed when it came to sharing it with others.
    He will be greatly missed.

Ana Maria Cetto
Division of Technical Cooperation Programme
Wagramerstrasse 5
P.O. Box 100

    Please accept my personal and SIOF's deepest condolences for the sudden death of our colleague and friend Gallieno Denardo. He was a special person devoted to the activity in favour of persons from developing countries.
    As SIOF representative in the TSOSA committee, I will do my best to continue supporting the optics activity started by Gallieno.

Anna Consortini
University of Firenze

    I think there is no need to say how deeply the sudden death of Professor Denardo did hurt me and how sad and sick I feel. I can imagine your e-mail box is full of letters expressing similar feelings, as Gallieno was a person of a great human and professional value for many scientists.
    This is just to confirm that I would be happy if I could pay my tribute to Professor Denardo by continuing to work along the lines that I have been following lately with his advices (STEP students supervision, preparation of some advanced optics training setups, etc). Professor Denardo was doing practically alone most of the work on the ICTP Winter College organization, however he has been discussing with me some issues like subjects to be included in the programme, selection of participants, demonstrations and laboratory work, visits, etc. I could give a hand to the college directors in the completion of the college organization, if you think this would be useful.
    Sincerely yours,

Miltcho Danailov
Laser Laboratory
SS14, km.163.5, 34012-Trieste, Italy

    I am shocked to know of the sudden demise of Professor Denardo. May his eternal soul live in peace. I lost a very good mentor. I got his last mail only a week ago. It was a big blow to know his sudden death. Good people always pass away like that. Please convey my condolences to the bereaved family.

Prasanta P.K Datta
Department of Physics & Meteorology
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur - 721 302

    He will be missed by many in the optics community.

Tony DeMaria
1981 OSA President

    I am very sad reading that Gallieno passed away last month. He was a very kind person and he supported our initiative for collaboration in the Balkans and Southeast Europe very strongly.
    If there is any way to give our condolence to his family, collaborators and friends, I would ask you to assist in that.
    With my deep condolence to you, sincerely,

Goran Djordjevic
Facuty of Sciences
P.O. Box 224
18001 Nis

    Back from abroad I found this terrible news. I am deeply shocked to hear that Gallieno died so suddenly. I lost a most loyal and kind colleague at ICTP and its scientific community and I would like to share the sorrow of his immediate family.
    I feel so sorry for all of us.

Alberto Donà
Former ICTP staff member

    On behalf of EBASI and myself, we extend our deeply felt condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Professor Gallieno Denardo. Professor Denardo was a good citizen and aggressive advocate of ICTP programmes and will be greatly missed. We, the members of EBASI, are deeply saddened by his death.

EBASI Council Members
Milton D. Slaughter

    I am writing this email on behalf of my colleagues at the physics Department, University of Khartoum, in order to express our deepest grief and sorrow on the passing of Professor G. Denardo - also to show our sympathy to the physics community all over the world on our greatest loss.
Professor Denardo will be remembered among us as a man of wisdom, courage and help.
    Please accept our condolences.

Omer I. Eid
Head, Physics Department
University of Khartoum

    We are deeply distressed by hearing the regretful news about the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo, the intimate friend of the Sudanese scientific community. The entire Sudanese laser group at the Sudan Institute for Natural Sciences has received this very bad news with great sorrow. Please pass our deep condolences to his immediate family and to all his colleagues in the ICTP and specially his coworkers at the Office of External Activities (OEA).

Sharaf El Din and
Amna Sirelkhatim
Sudan Institute For Natural Sciences (SIFNS)
P.O. Box 3045

    With regret and sorrow we just learned in UNESCO about the sudden death of our friend and longstanding close collaborator, Gallieno Denardo. Gallieno was a motivated promoter of science in the developing world, helping young people to build their careers, and helping more advanced researchers to connect and to work together. Throughout his many years nurturing the ICTP training programme, he helped to create the entire global community of talented physicists, who will always remember him as somebody they had great fortune to meet on their scientific way. In general, Gallieno will be fondly remembered by all who had the pleasure to know him and work with him. He participated in many activities run by ICTP together with UNESCO SC. When he learned about SESAME, for instance, he became immediately involved and enthusiastic. He was a member of the first SESAME Training Committee, formed in 1999. ICTP will never be the same without Gallieno. We join you in mourning this unexpected and premature loss.
    Yours sincerely,

W. Erdelen
Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences

    I feel very sorry. Professor Denardo was one of the outstanding international fellows, and had many friends all over the world. His contribution to the scientific community will remain for ever.
    Best regards.

Mohamed Ewiss
Professor of Physics
Director of HEQAA
Faculty of Science
Cairo University
Giza, Egypt

    Hola!!!!! Death is bad! Death is very bad! How can Professor Denardo die? He disappeared with his lovely loud laugh? What loss for the whole ICTP family! What loss for us at IMSP in Benin! He was one of the greatest authors of the setting up of IMSP since its starting point in 1988. So far he did a lot for its development. He also put a lot of time and effort into the access of the African young people to science during these last twenty years.
    We share the pain of Director Sreenivasan and that of ICTP members. We have a compassionate thought to the immediate family of Gallieno Denardo.
    God welcome Gallieno's Soul.

Jean-Pierre Ezin
Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMPS)
B.P. 613
Porto Novo

    Please accept, and convey to his family, the condolences and best wishes of the APS Office of International Affairs.

Amy K. Flatten
The American Physical Society
One Physics Ellipse
College Park
Maryland 20740-3844

    First of all let me express my deep sorry for the sudden death of Professor Denardo. I extend my condolences to all staff members at the ICTP as well as to his family. It is a great pity for the ICTP and the University of Trieste to lose such a very active and valuable eminent professor. He was helping the researchers from the developing countries in all manners possible. I am one of them who will never forget his great help to me such as my participation in most of the winter colleges on atomic, molecular and laser physics at the beginning of my research career at Cairo university. Later on, I was appointed also by his kind influence as an associate member so it gave me more opportunity to pay frequent visits to the ICTP. These visits allowed me to meet eminent professors who were invited to the scientific activities which were organized by Professor Denardo on lasers and discuss my scientific problems with them. These visits in turn promoted my scientific career so I could occupy high posts at the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science (NILES) which was established at Cairo University in 1994 with advanced laser equipment and detection systems that can be used for different applications. Moreover, he tried to push this institute to be a centre of excellence for laser science and its applications, particularly for the African and Arabic countries, where he supported some very successful scientific activities to be held at Niles. In fact, he did a lot, so all that I can say now is: may the mercy of GOD cover him.

Yosr Gamal
Prof.Yosr E E-D Gamal
Al TA-AWEN Residental Palace
P.O.Box 18703 Jeddah 21425
Saudi Arabia

    First of all, please accept my condolences for the terrible death of Professor Denardo whom I have known for more than 19 years. I have known him so well that I cannot dissociate his name from the Abdus Salam ICTP. I will always remember him as a great leader who endorsed the vision of Abdus Salam and believed in his philosophy that science should be universal and shared by all regardless of the origin or ethnicity. Each and everyone of us knows that he nurtured and cherished the optics and laser activity at the ICTP for more than two decades and I would like to suggest to the scientific board of ICTP to confer the name of Professor Denardo to the Winter College of Optics.
Last but not least, I would like to say that each one of us should endeavour to keep the spirit of Professor Denardo and the spirit of those who helped and worked along Abdus Salam’s vision forever alive. We should be really grateful to all of them.
    Please accept my very best regards,

Taieb Gasmi, Ph.D
Chair, Faculty of Science & Engineering
Member of the African LAM Network.
Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus
Avenida del Valle, 34
Madrid 28003

    I received your message yesterday of Gallieno Denardo’s death with a profound feeling of loss and grief. He had tremendous influence on my development as a scientist and professional and had also, over the past twenty years, grown to be a good friend. I know that he had similar influence on many other ICTP Associates and other researchers and students from developing countries who benefited from the programs in optics that he fashioned.
    It is difficult for me as an individual to articulate my sense of loss. The word unspeakable describes my feelings as well as any. As a Senior Associate I hear the word orphaned in my mind, and indeed, I think that many other Associates and beneficiaries of ICTP’s activities in optics will feel similarly deprived of—cut off from—the enormous support and encouragement that Gallieno gave us in our professional careers and initiatives. Gallieno was the bridge between optical scientists in developing countries, numerous members of the worldwide scientific community of researchers and educators in optics and lasers, and the central ICTP leadership. That bridge is now gone.
As the Chair of the TSOSA Committee, which on Gallieno’s behalf has had responsibility for advising ICTP in the area of optics activities, I care deeply that his long-term efforts and achievements survive him and that his and the Committee’s expectations for the establishment of a permanent research program in optics at ICTP be realized. I can think of no better way of honoring his memory than through the continuity and further development of his programs and the ultimate achievement of his goals. I speak in this regard not only for myself but, I am certain, for all members of the Committee representing major international scientific and technical societies and organizations concerned with optics. Please know that we are prepared to work with you in all possible ways to see the continuation of Gallieno Denardo’s legacy and the furthering of his cause.
    In closing, let me ask you to convey, on my behalf and that of an enormous number of people in the international community of optics, sincere condolences to Gallieno’s family.

Angela M. Guzmán
Profesor Emerito
Departamento de Fisica
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
ICO Vice-President, Chair,
Committee for Regional Development of Optics
P.O. Box 812530 Boca Raton, FL 33481-2530

    I have just been reached by the news of the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo.
    As you know ISP at Uppsala University is an organisation trying to assist developing countries to build research capacity up within the basic sciences. Through this work I came to know Gallieno many years back and I also had the privilege to work with him as a member of the "advisory committee" of the "Office of External Activities".
    Gallieno was a respected physicist. We are many who will remember him for his seriousness in his work to assist physicists in developing countries. He was a very warm and generous person and though him many physicists in developing countries got the opportunity to do research work. His special interest in optics has meant that especially laser physics has been introduced in many places. His work will not be forgotten. The research environments to which he contributed a lot will continue to produce MSc and PhD theses and scientific articles.
    His death is a great loss to the scientific community and especially to scientists in developing countries.
    Please convey our deepest sympathy to his family.
    For ISP, Uppsala University, but also as a personal friend,

Lennart Hasselgren
Uppsala University
Box 549
SE-751 21 Uppsala

    I am so sad, really, to hear about the loss of our "father", the beloved Denardo. Since I have received the bad news I am always remembering Professor Denardo who has helped me and many others. I remember him as a nice person, helpful and brave man. May God rest his soul in heaven, Amen.
    Please accept my sincere condolences on his death and pass them to his familly.

Akram Ibrahim
Department of Physics
University of Khartoum
P.O. Box 321

    This is truly a sad occasion for me. I have known Gallieno for nearly 20 years -- having first met at ICTP in 1989. I have found him to be one of the warmest and caring individuals that I have ever met and we fast became friends. The ICTP outreach programs have lost a tireless friend, mentor and benevolent instigator in Gallieno—I can't image who could fill his very large shoes!

Anthony M. Johnson
2002 OSA President

    Je viens d'apprendre le décès inopiné de notre très cher ami et soutien à l'ICTP: le Pr. Denardo.
    Nous n'avons aucune peine à imaginer la profonde douleur dans laquelle nous plonge ce triste évènement.
    Nous n'y sommes pas préparés d'autant plus que je l'ai eu au telephone il y a 10 jours juste avant mon retour. Il me renouvelait ses encouragements pour ce que nous faisions tant il y croyait autant sinon plus que nous.
C'est un grand Africain que nous venons de perdre.
    Partageons notre tristesse, notre douleur car elles seraient insupportables autrement.
    Sincerement et amicalement.

Melanie Keita
Eugene Megnassan
Université Abobo-Adjame
02 BP 801
Abidjan 02
Côte d'Ivoire

    I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to you and the family of late Gallieno Denardo on his sudden untimely departure from this world. May Almighty God grant to all of you the courage and strength to bear this irreparable loss, and perfect peace to the departed soul!
    You have rightly mentioned that one must value the presence of his friend(s). One feels much more on the departure of his friend than his relatives because he is more intimate and close to his friend.
    With kind regards,
    Yours truly,

Reyaz Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Technology
PMB 65
Niger State

    I am saddened to learn about the death of Professor Denardo.
I first met him in March-1997, during the Winter School on Optics at ICTP. Thereafter, I had frequent contact with him by e-mail and in person during my postdoctoral stay at INFN-Padova (October-1997 to October-1999).
    During the March 1997 Winter School on Optics, he organized the meeting of the African LAM Network which I had the privilege of attending.
    We shall remember Professor Denardo for his tireless efforts to promote optics in the developing countries. The Optics community shall miss his ever-enthusiastic presence.
    With warm regards and best wishes,

Sameen Ahmed KHAN
Assistant Professor
Engineering Department
Salalah College of Technology (SCOT)
Post Box No. 608
Postal Code: 211 
Sultanate of OMAN


    Please accept my heartiest condolences on the death of Professor Denardo. I recall showering encomiums on Professor Dernado in your presence at the dinner for the 'Africa Day'—because of the honourable mention he got from various speakers that day for his remarkable contributions to ICTP and in particular the creation of enduring research institutions on optics in Africa. It is difficult to now imagine that I was in fact talking to him for the last time.
ICTP, and indeed the third world and Italy, have lost a great man who cannot be adequately replaced but suffice it to say that his highly productive and inspiring life is a great legacy that will make his memory very fresh and indelible in the minds of his many well-wishers across the globe.
    Please extend my condolences to members of his family.
    With best regards,

Aderemi Kuku
University of Iowa
Iowa State, Iowa

    I have been on leave and I am really shocked by Gallieno's death. It is hard to believe that he will no longer be with us. We will miss him a lot.

Vladimir Kurghinyan
Division for Africa, East Asia and the Pacific
Wagramerstrasse 5
P.O. Box 100

    I have just learnt the extremely bad news that Professor Gallieno Denardo passed away two weeks ago. I feel so sad with his sudden death. He did so much for the promotion of science and education in our country. We are very grateful to him and remember him for that.

Nguyen Anh Ky
Vietnam Academy of Sciences & Technology (VAST)
Institute of Physics and Electronics
10 Dao Tan
Ba Dinh

    Comment exprimer mes sentiments pour la mort de Denardo. C'est une perte pour nous tous: je dois signaler que le développement de la cooperation Sud Sud qu'il a soutenu et permis de se développer avec le Cameroun, le Maroc, l'Egypte, a ete pour nous une opération exceptionnelle. Il a créé une grande famille, une famille du monde entier qui se retrouve tous les ans. Il était prêt à aider à tout moment. Je n'ai pas de mots pour exprimer ma reconnaissance pour Denardo. C'etait un grand homme. Je suis actuellement au Brésil pour un workshop: ALOP. Il en fait partie par son attitude toujours positive et encourageante pour le développement de l'optique.
    Bien cordialement et toutes mes condoléances pour ICTP.

Zohra Ben Lakhdar
Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Tunis II
Campus University
Tunis 1060

    I just learned with much sorrow of Gallieno´s passing away. I remember his tremendous help during my Multiciencias years.
    Please pass my condolences to the Director and the Centre staff.

Victor Latorre
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Centro de Investigación
Avenida Benavides 5440
Lima 33, Perú

    This is sad news. Gallieno was part of that first corps of staffers to breath life into Abdus Salam's grand design at ICTP.

Irving A. Lerch
1733 Riggs Place, NW
Washington, DC 20009

    As a member of the OSA and an Editorial Advisory Committee member of the OPN, I feel great sadness to hear this sad news. Professor Denardo has ever made great contributions to the ICTP and our optics community. His sudden passing is a great loss for us. With this email, I'd like to express my personal condolence on his passing, and to join the science community in mourning his loss.

Changsheng Li
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    I am sorry for it.

Zeng Luo Wang
Department of Physics
School of Science
Xian Jiaotong University
Xianning Road
Xian 710049
People's Republic of China

    It is with a deep sadness that I have received the information about EL PROFESSORI.
    I can confirm that mother Africa specifically and the Developing World in general has lost an ICONE: EL PROFESSORI.
    Well, if the nature has decided to do so, we shall accept but certain humans can leave this world physically but not in mind.
    "Les Etres sont grands par les pas qu'ils font, leurs destinée, c'est d'aller portant l'arche, ce n'est pas d'atteindre le but mais de rester en marche".
    I hope that the Abdus Salam ICTP and other partner institutions with all associates would be joining hand to hand in honoring EL PROFESSORI for ever.
    May God bless!

Malik Maaza
P O Box 722
Somerset West, 7129
Cape Province
South Africa

    I'm very sorry for the bad news of the death of Professor Denardo. For me, Professor Denardo represented my entry contact to the Abdus Salam ICTP, when I participated in the 1985 Winter College on Lasers and Spectroscopy. He encouraged me to apply for the Associateship award, and supported my application. Afterwards, he invited me to participate in several LAMP seminars. As director of the Office of External activities, Professor Denardo supported me in different activities. For these, and many other reasons, I consider myself in the group of physicists more badly affected for the absence of Professor Denardo. I will always remember him with my highest gratitude.
    Best regards,

Jorge Mahecha
Instituto de Fisica
Universidad de Antioquia
Calle 67 No. 53-108
A.A. 1226

    Knowing Gallieno for more than 40 years, it is very hard for me to believe he has passed away. He has been such a great help for scientific communication between Iran and the rest of the world via ICTP. How sad it is!

Reza Mansouri
Sharif University of Technology
Department of Physics
P.O. Box 11365-9161
Azadi Ave.
Tehran 14588-8949
Islamic Republic of Iran

    Professor Denardo was my coordinator for my STEP fellowship during 2003-2006. I am so grateful that he helped me a lot from the beginning of the fellowship and even afterwards in order to make the visits as advantageous as possible. He also supported me to attend the ICTP optics winter colleges three times. Three to four times it happened that he called me "my old young friend". Now when I remember the way in which he said this, I feel I miss him.
    We missed a great friend of our world forever, in my opinion.

Alireza Moradi
Institute for Advanced Studies in
Basic Sciences (IASBS)
Gava Zang
P.O. Box 45195-159

    The news about the sudden death of Professor Denardo was a shock for me and made me very sad! He dedicated his life to education and improvement of physics, especially Optical Physics. The Winter Colleges on Optics and Photonics, which were organised by him, had a large impact on physicists from around the world.
    Professor Denardo was a great person. He was very nice and kind. The ICTP community, specially the Associates of ICTP, lost a great colleague, the person who was always trying to help somebody.

Arashmid Nahal
University of Tehran
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
North Karegar Ave.
P.O. Box 14395-547
14394 Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran

    I am deeply sorry to know that Professor Gallieno Denardo went to God recently. I have met him many times during my visits to ICTP as well as in connection with my request for the financing of our dissemination activities—workshops and conferences here in Costa Rica. Every time I requested money, he always approved some and gave moral support. I even met him only 3 weeks ago and found him well and still active working at his ICTP office. Well that's the life.
    I wish and pray that Almighty God give peace to his soul and courage to his family to accept this unpredictable and unfortunately unavoidable part of the life.
    Sincerely yours,

Shyam S. Nandwani
Lab. de Energia Solar
Dept. de Fisica,
Universidad Nacional, Heredia.
Costa Rica

    La mort du Professeur Denardo est une perte immense non seulement pour la communauté scientifique mondiale mais surtout pour la communauté Africaine a qui il a bien su donner son soutien pour que vive à jamais la Science en Afrique. Nous n'avons pas perdu qu'un soutien, mais aussi un conseiller, un père et surtout une Référence.
    Que la terre de nos Ancêtres lui soit légère!

Merlin Ngachin
Centre de Physique Atomique Moléculaire Optique Quantique (CEPAMOQ)
Faculté des Sciences
Université de Douala
B.P. 8580

    Je ne saurais jamais exprimer toute la douleur que j'ai eue en apprenant la mort subite du Professeur Denardo. Je n'en reviens pas à ce jour à croire à son décès effectif. Je revois en image ce très grand éminant Professeur doué d'une générosité sans précédent. Toujours à l'écoute des autres et prêt à apporter son appui constant au développement des pays moins nantis. Cette disparition est une perte énorme pour la communauté scientifique, l'Italie, l'ICTP et encore plus pour l'Afrique à qui il accordait son soutien.
    Je suis en larme en t'envoyant, ainsi qu'à l'ICTP, ce message de condoléance auquel j'associe l'expression de ma profonde compassion et douleur.
    Le professeur Denardo, pour ces quelques années que je l'ai connu m'a profondement marqué par son humanisme. Sans pourtant exagérer, je le prenais pour un père. Ses nombreuses oeuvres resteront à jamais gravées dans des mémoires. Nous continuerons de les perpétuer pour saluer sa mémoire.

Hugues Merlain Tetchou Nganso
Faculty of Science
University of Yaoundé I

    J'arrive à l'instant dans mon bureau à Douala après une semaine d'absence. Je suis littéralement choqué et effondré à la lecture de votre message. C'est un moment de peine immense pour moi, semblable à celle que j'ai connue lors du decès de mon père il y a quelques années. Pour avoir travaillé avec le Professeur Denardo pendant plus d'une décennie, je puis dire que son decès est une véritable catastrophe pour l'Afrique. J'ai toujours été profondement marqué par la place toute particulière que ce continent occupait dans le coeur du Professeur Denardo. Comme j'ai eu à le dire dans les universités d'Afrique Centrale que j'ai visitées depuis janvier 2006 dans le cadre du rayonnement régional du CEPAMOQ, sans le Professeur Denardo j'aurai quitté l'Afrique au milieu des années 1990. Je ne peux exprimer combien nous apprecions la présence du Professeur Denardo à nos côtés. Son seul nom, un simple message de sa part, nous rassuraient et nous motivaient quelque soit le problème à résoudre. Il n'y a pas de terme pour qualifier ce qu'il representait pour nous en qui il avait placé une certaine confiance dans la formation des capacités humaines dans nos pays à travers les Centres Affiliés. Nous lui seront redevables à jamais pour cette oeuvre immense à laquelle il a consacre toute sa vie. Au dela de son soutien constant pour un enracinement durable de la science dans nos pays en développement, le Professeur Denardo était un grand humaniste, et probablement l'homme le plus généreux que j'aie jamais connu. Sa mémoire se perpetuera à travers ce que nous entreprenons dans le domaine de la formation et dont il était indeniablement la cheville ouvrière.
    En cette circonstance douloureuse, je vous prie de transmettre à sa famille et à l'ICTP si durement éprouvés, les condoléances les plus attristées des chercheurs, étudiants et personnel d'appui du CEPAMOQ auxquelles j'associe l'expression de ma profonde compassion.

Moise Kwato Njock
Centre de Physique Atomique Moléculaire Optique Quantique (CEPAMOQ)
Faculté des Sciences
Université de Douala
B.P. 8580

    I am writing to offer my condolences to Professor Denardo's family and his collaborators and friends.
    The passing of Professor Denardo is not only a big loss for those who have known him but for the entire research community.

Lukas Novotny
University of Rochester
The Institute of Optics
River Campus, Wilmot Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

    Yesterday, we heard about the sad news of Professor Gallieno Denardo’s sudden death. On behalf of our president, Professor Roberta Ramponi, we would like to express our deepest sympathy for this great loss. We had the honor and the pleasure to know Professor Denardo and were very sorry to hear about his passing away. We had the greatest respect for his valued work for the ICTP.
    With affection and deepest condolences,

Klaus Nowitzki
Executive Director
European Optical Society

    I write to sympathise with you and the entire body of ICTP over the sudden death of Professor G. Denardo.
    I am a fellow of the Sandwich Training Educational Programme which he headed until his death. Professor Denardo was always cheerful and kind hearted.
    May his soul rest in perfect peace!
    Please accept my sympathy,

Folasade Olajuyigbe
Department of Chemistry
School of Sciences
Federal University of Technology
Ondo State

The Optical Society of America mourns the passing of Gallieno Denardo

    With great sadness, we share the news of the sudden passing of Gallieno Denardo. We've lost a friend of the OSA and the optics community. Denardo was the coordinator of the optics and laser programs at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and professor of theoretical physics at the University of Trieste, Italy. Denardo had been with the ICTP since its start, serving as the long-time head of the Office of External Activities and consultant of the office. He was instrumental in establishing and running all ICTP activities on optics, including the laboratory, the schools and workshops, and the ICO/ICTP Award.
    Denardo led the ICTP Winter College, which OSA co-sponsors and many of our members from around the world attend. He was a long time friend and OSA supporter and we join the science community in mourning his loss.

    We were shocked to learn about the death of Professor Denardo from our colleagues in Trieste yesterday. It is a great loss for all of us and for the scientific community.
    We present our sincere condolences to his family, friends and all the staff of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics on the occasion of untimely death of Prof. Denardo.
    Profoundly mourning,

Valentin A. Orlovich
Head of Laboratory of nonlinear optics
B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
68 Nezalezhnasti Ave., 220072 Minsk

    I am still deeply distressed at the sudden death of Professor Denardo. Once again, let me tell you that I share the sorrow of the entire ICTP community.
    Yours sincerely,

Luc Owono Owono
Department of Physics
Ecole Normale Supérieure
The University of Yaounde I
P.O. Box 47

    It is with great sadness that I learned about the death of my friend and colleague, Professor Gallieno Denardo. He has been a well-known and respected member of the international scientific community in optics and laser physics for many years, and will be remembered as an extremely pleasant and effective scientist. Professor Denardo will be remembered by all who knew or worked with him for his thoughtful stewardship of the numerous programmes of the OEA, his genuine concern for fostering the next generation of young scientists in developing countries and his sense of humour. He will be greatly missed by all his friends and colleagues in Belarus.

Alexander Pankov
Head of the ICTP Affiliated Centre
Gomel, Belarus
Andrei Tsytrinov and Inna Serenkova (STEP students)

    I feel much sorrow for the loss of Prof. Gallieno Denardo. I have been one of his "Laurea" students at the University of Trieste; he was the supervisor of my "tesina", an essay that all students at the University of Trieste in the '90s had to write in addition to their main "tesi" in order to graduate with the Bachelor's degree. Because of him and his initiatives I was able to discover the rich world of optics and lasers. We remained in close contact after my Laurea, and he supported and encouraged me much in the doctoral studies in Optics which I am pursuing at the University of Rochester in the US. Above all he transmitted to me, every time that I talked to him, the sense of the importance and seriousness of scientific work, and he has been a constant example with his passion for work and for things; and besides this he helped me to understand, both with his constant example and with his explanations of many situations, the sense of the ICTP mission. He was an important person for my life, and the memory of him remains to me as an invaluable reference point.

Giovanni Piredda
University of Rochester
The Institute of Optics
River Campus, Wilmot Bldg.
Rochester, NY 14627

    We at SPIE are very saddened by the loss of Gallieno Denardo. Our Board of Directors and Education Committee will meet at the end of August and they will be discussing 2008 program support. SPIE is planning to continue our long-term financial support of the Winter College and would like to offer assistance in program development if needed.
    Our organisation was also working with Gallieno on establishing a long-term programme on Optics at the ICTP. According to Gallieno, he had discussed the details of this project with the ICTP Director, Prof. Sreenivasan, who was supportive of collaboration.
We look forward to helping you carry forward the great work that Gallieno started.
    Best regards,

Krisinda Plenkovich
Director, Education Services and Membership

    On behalf of the Optical and Spectroscopic Society of Vietnam (OSSV), we mourn with you the loss of an eminent scientist and great friend—Professor Gallieno Denardo.
    We shall remember him, his smile and his excellent contribution to the development of optics, laser and spectroscopy in Vietnam.
    We send our deepest sympathy to his family.
    Yours sincerely,

VU XUAN QUANG (President)
NGUYEN DAI HUNG (Secretary General)
Optical and Spectroscopic Society of Vietnam (OSSV)
10 Dao Tan Str., Ba Dinh

    It is so sad to receive the news of the sudden death of Gallieno. I got to know him about 4 years ago in Trieste. He was such a helpful, tireless and enthusiastic staff member of ICTP.
    He will always be remembered by all of us in SESAME for his valuable work as a member of the first SESAME Training Committee.
    I wish to express my sincere condolences to his family and to his colleagues at ICTP.

Javad Rahighi
Nuclear Research Center
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Van de Graaff Laboratory
P.O. Box 11365-8486
Islamic Republic of Iran

    It was very sad for me to hear suddenly the loss of Professor Gallieno Denardo. He was a very kind man and with him, we lose one of the most loyal and active friends. I would like to ask you to present our condolences and sympathy to his family members and to the ICTP.
    Best regards,

Gérard Rambolamanana
University of Antananarivo
Institute and Observatory of Geophysics In Antananarivo
P.O. Box 3843
101 Antananarivo

    We will all miss Gallieno very much as a friend, as a scientist and as an organizer. I offer my personal collaboration and that of EOS to work for the Optics programme in ICTP.
    With my best regards,

Roberta Ramponi
Dipartimento di Fisica
Politecnico di Milano

    I am saddened by this news. Professor Denardo was very helpful to me in working with the ICTP affiliated centres in Senegal and Ghana. The professors and students in those centres and at other institutions in Africa always spoke highly of him. I am grateful for the assistance and encouragement that he gave them and me.
    Warm regards,

Kennedy Reed
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mail Stop L-41
Livermore, CA 94550

    I have just learned with a great deal of sorrow about the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. It has made me very sad. I knew Professor Denardo since 1968 when I started visiting ICTP. He was one of the finest human beings I have ever come across and a true friend of Pakistani Physics Community. We will greatly miss him. May his soul rest in peace! Please convey our heartfelt condolences to his family.

National Centre for Physics
Quaid-i-Azam University

    I was most saddened to hear of the tragic sudden death of Gallieno two weeks ago. I have just heard. Please accept my sincere condolences, and pass them on to his family. He was an enterprising man with a truly international heart, who was solely devoted to the objectives of the ICTP. You will recall I visited ICTP in June to discuss how the Townes Institute might support and augment his optics programme, and I met you then and earlier this year at the meeting in Pakistan.
    I too have a strong sense of the need to make science international, and these thoughts were motivated very much by Gallieno's mission. With his sudden passing, I would like to offer you any assistance I can possibly provide, to fill in for his absence.
    Regardless, I want to assure you that we still wish to pursue making a stronger relationship with ICTP, and to strengthen the optics program you have. In this connection, I would add that I am in close communication with Eugene Arthurs, the CEO of the International SPIE, who has been in contact with you also on the same subject.
    Please let me know if I can help in any way,
    Best regards, with condolences,

Martin Richardson, University Trustee Chair
Northrop Grumman Professor of X-Ray Photonics
Townes Laser Institute
College of Optics & Photonics
University of Central Florida
4000, Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816-2700

    It is indeed a sad day. Gallieno was full of life, caring, and positive energy, in particular, for finding ways in helping young optical scientists from the developing world. I was privileged to spend some time with Gallieno on the occasion of my former student's 2005 ICTP/ICO Prize ceremony in Trieste. Abdus Salam would be proud of Gallieno for his vital contributions to the ICTP vision.

Nabeel Riza
Professor of Optics and Electrical Engineering
College of Optics/CREOL
University of Central Florida

    It was a great shock to hear about the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. We all share the sorrow and the great loss. May his soul rest in peace! All the scientific community associated with ICTP will remain highly indebted for what he did for the cause of ICTP and the service that he did for ICTP will always be remembered.
With best regards,

Tasneem Zahra Rizvi
Department of Physics
Quaid-i-Azam University

    On behalf of the entire community of the Optical Society of America, I wish to express my deepest condolences to you, your staff and to the family of Gallieno Denardo. Dr. Denardo's contributions to this field are innumerable and he will be remembered for his science and for the strong support he offered his colleagues from around the world. Already we have several notes about how he influenced others posted on our website.
I know his unexpected passing is a huge loss for you personally and for your organisation. You have my deepest sympathy.
    We're really going to miss Gallieno.

Elizabeth A. Rogan
Optical Society of America (Osa)
2010 Massachusetts Avenue. Nw
DC 20036 Washington DC

    I was deeply also distressed at hearing this.
    Best Regards

A. A. Saboury
University of Tehran
Institute of Biochemistry & Biophysics
P.O. Box 13145-1384
Islamic Republic of Iran

    I am deeply grieved to learn about the sudden death of Professor Denardo. During my numerous visits to the Abdus Salam ICTP since 1976 I always found him to be very helpful. The ICTP community will always remember his smiling and friendly face as well as his numerous contributions to the International Centre. Kindly convey my condolences to his near and dear ones on my own behalf as well as on behalf of my colleagues here in the GIK Institute.
    With best regards,

Abdullah Sadiq
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
Topi, District Swabi

    I received the news of the demise of Professor Denardo with a great shock.
Kindly accept my condolences.

Ola Sule Salawu
Department of Biochemistry
Federal University of Technology
P.M.B. 704

    Thank you very much for informing us. Please accept and convey my condolences to his family members. I knew him since I first visited ICTP in 1996.
    Sincerely from,

Md Saion Salikin
Faculty of Health Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Jalan Othman 46000
Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

    I am extremely sorry to hear this news. Due to the passing away of Professor G. Denardo, ICTP as well as researchers in third world countries, has lost a dynamic researcher, who was always there with helping hands, fantastic coordinator, a gentle man and a nice human being. No one can fill this gap.
    I am hereby extending my heartfelt condolence to the immediate family of Professor Gallieno Denardo.

C. Santhosh
Centre for Laser Spectroscopy
Manipal Life Sciences Centre
Manipal University
Manipal 576104

    I was very sorry to hear of the passing away of Gallieno Denardo. He was very supportive of our efforts for the SESAME project and will be remembered with gratitude by the SESAME community.
    Warm regards,

Zehra Sayers
Sabanci University
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Program
Orhanli, Tuzla
34956 Istanbul

    I am sad to receive this very sad news concerning the death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. Please accept my sincere condolences.
    My condolences are also addressed to the whole scientific and administrative community of ICTP and to his family.

M.B. Sedra
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
Faculté des Sciences
Université Mohammed V
Avenue Ibn Battota, B.P. 1004

    I am deeply depressed to know the sad and untimely demise of Professor Gallieno Denardo who was associated with ICTP. To me he was a guide and good friend. I hope his family finds enough strength in this tough period.
May his soul rest in peace!
    Yours sincerely,

Ishwar Paul Sharma
Department of Soil Science and Water Management
Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry
Solan-173 230 (Himachal Pradesh)

    It is a big shock to me at this moment! Yesterday I had very kind email from him encouraging us as usual.
    I am deeply sorry for the ICTP society and also for us Africans it is a big loss. Personally he had a big hand in shaping my career.
    I lost my words.

Tahani Shatir
University of Khartoum
Faculty of Veterinary Science
P.O.Box 321
13314 Khartoum

    It is shocking news for me and a great loss for the scientific community and, in particular for the STEP programme, through which I had known Professor Denardo and had a privilege to work with him.
    Best regards,

Peter Stegnar
The Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana

    con profonda commozione partecipo al dolore Vostro e del Direttore prof.Sreenivasan per la grave perdita che colpisce il mondo della scienza. Nell'attesa di rivederci, esprimo i sentimenti miei personali e della Federazione Italiana Club UNESCO.

Marialuisa Stringa
Presidente Centro UNESCO Firenze e Federazione Club Centri UNESCO

    On behalf of the Optics community of Argentina, the ICO Territorial Committee shares the deep sorrow of all Argentinean colleagues for the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo. We recognize him as a keen person, devoted to the promotion of optical research in the underdeveloped countries. His name was always related to support extending activities in all branches of Optics in the form of courses, workshops and networks. He undoubtedly helped us to promote the diverse optical activities and to develop the research groups in South America and in particular in our country.
    Those of us who were lucky to know him will always remember his kind and warm character.

Argentinian ICO Territorial Committee

Myrian Tebaldi
Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas , CIOp
Camino Parque Centenario entre 505 y 508, Gonnet (1897)
P.O. Box 124, La Plata (1900)

    It is with great sorrow that the National Academies and the United States Advisory Committee for the International Commission on Optics (USAC-ICO) learned of the recent passing of Gallieno Denardo. We very much appreciated his dedication to optics activities at ICTP, especially the Laboratory, the schools and workshops, and the ICO/ICTP Award. He was truly a leader in the community.
    The National Academies and the USAC/ICO hope that the ICTP will find a way to carry on the many important activities supported by Dr. Denardo, particularly the Winter College on Optics. As you know, these schools have covered a number of topics of importance to the optics and photonics community, such as quantum and classical aspects of information optics; optics and photonics in nanoscience and nanotechnology; interferometry and applications in modern physics; and biophotonics. The US optics community has appreciated the opportunity to work with the ICTP and to hold courses and workshops there, and we strongly hope that this relationship will continue so that Dr. Denardo's legacy will live on.

Kathie Bailey Mathae
Board on International Scientific Organisations
The National Academies
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

    In the name of the Optical Research Center (CIOp) of Argentina we convey to the authorities of ICTP, and through them to the family, friends and colleagues of Professor Denardo our most felt condolences for the death of such a distinguished scientist and person. Our institutional and personal bonds with him go back to the beginning of the eighties, and since then, Professor Denardo always stimulated our activities in a decisive way.

Jorge O. Tocho
Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas
Camino Centenario y 506
1897 La Plata

    I would like to express my deep sorry and compassion for the death of
prof. Denardo, who was our respected professor, and extremelly generous
person who helped us, the students included in the STEP programme.
I would never forget his last words He said me that He and my cosupervisor
here, in Italy, are very satisfied of my work-these words are my
encouragement to going on my research.
    I would like to know (and also other persons) when and where the
commemorate will be held.

Suzana Topuzoski
STEP student
c/o ICTP

    I am very sad and distressed by the sudden lost of Professor Denardo with whom I befriended all these years.

Le Dung Trang
Mathematics Section

    It is my deep sorrow to hear that Professor G. Denardo has passed away. On behalf of the Vietnamese scientific community I would like to express to the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and to the family of Professor G. Denardo our sincere condolences.

Nguyen Van Hieu
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Institute of Physics & Electronics
P.O. Box 429
Bo Ho, Hanoi 10000

    We all share about the untimely death of Gallieno. I do agree that the best homage we can pay to Gallieno is to further his plans for Optics at ICTP and see that they come to fruition. We all have lost an irreplaceable colleague, and colleague.
    Best wishes.


Prof. Vasudevan "Vengu" Lakshminarayanan
Professor of Optometry, Electrical Engineering and Physics
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1

    We were deeply shocked by the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo—an eminent scientist and great friend. We had known him for almost 30 years and greatly appreciated not only his outstanding contribution to the development of physics in Vietnam and the developing countries but also his warm personality. It is still really hard to believe we shall never see him again.
    We share your loss and send our deepest sympathy to his family.
    Yours sincerely,

NGUYEN AI VIET (Director. Institute of Physics and Electronics -
IPE, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology- VAST)
NGUYEN DAI HUNG (Vice-Director, IPE. Director, Center for Quantum
Electronics, IPE)
Optical and Spectroscopic Society of Vietnam (OSSV)
10 Dao Tan Str., Ba Dinh

    I just received the sad news that Gallieno Denardo passed away. Gallieno was a great friend of mine and we have shared during more than thirty years extraordinary experiences of promotion of science in the Third World. I feel his loss as that of a brother and already called his family to express to his wife my deepest condolences. However, Gallieno was a person so deeply related to ICTP and identified with its philosophy and ideals, that I consider necessary to express also to you, and to the Centre my condolences for this loss. With Gallieno ICTP has lost a key person who has given a tremendous contribution to the success of the Center. Those who had the fortune of knowing him and collaborating with him and of benefiting from his dedication will never forget Gallieno.
    Unfortunately, I will not be in Italy next Monday but I accompany in spirit all Gallieno's friends and relatives and the colleagues of ICTP in the burial ceremony.

Leo Violini
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita della Calabria

    We are living a hard moment: Gallieno's passage from this world.
Gallieno always supported us and was the key person in the organization of the Winter Colleges in Optics, a prestigious international school, where it was possible to meet both eminent professors and excellent students from all countries (without any discrimination).
    I shall support (with ICO, OSA, SPIE, EOS) the continuation of this generous activity, which I suggest to bear the name "Gallieno Denardo".
    He also supported the collaboration between ICTP and Romanian researchers in physics. We shall also continue this collaboration and we shall dedicate one meeting in optics to him.
    Please accept my condolences and convey them also to Denardo's family. For our good friend, I can say in this moment: "Requiescat in Pace!"

Valentin I. Vlad
Institute of Atomic Physics
NILPRP-Laser Department
P.O. Box MG-36
R-76 900 Bucharest

    J'ai appris avec stupeur la disparition du Prof. Denardo. Il était pour moi un ami, un frère et c'était un grand ami de l'Afrique. Je propose qu'on lui rende un hommage special à ICTP pour son action en faveur du développement de la physique en Afrique et un peu partout à travers le monde. Il était un vrai internationaliste au vrai sens du mot. Chaque visiteur à ICTP qu'il soit Africain, Chinois, Vietnamien, Indien, Pakistanais, Latino Americain, Européen, Américain, pensait qu'il était le meilleur ami de Denardo, tout cela pour dire combien il était bon avec tout le monde. C'est une grande perte surtout pour nous Africains et il serait difficile de trouver une autre personne comme lui à ICTP, qui comprend vraiment les problemes du développement scientifique en Afrique.
    Prions pour lui.

Ahmadou Wague
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology
University Cheikh Anta Diop

    We were all shocked to hear about Professor Denardo's sudden passing-away. He was highly estimated and will be missed a lot.
I informed Mr. Paulo Barretto, our former Director, about the sad news (you may remember that they had a close working relationship and high esteem for each other).
    With warm regards,

Susanne Walleczek
Office of the Deputy Director General
Department of Technical Cooperation
International Atomic Energy Agency
P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

    I am very sad to learn the terrible and unexpected news about Gallieno. He had accepted to participate in the meeting of the C13 commission of IUPAP on 1st September and I expected to meet him finally there, having worked a lot with him but always from far.
    His international friends, in particular from Africa, will deeply miss his friendship and support.
    Best regards,

Annick Suzor-Weiner
Université Paris-Sud
11 Bat. 210

    I am sad to receive this news. Gallieno was a tireless worker for science in the developing world for which he will be remembered by all who had the good fortune to know him and work with him. When he learned about SESAME he became immediately involved and enthusiastic. He was a member of the first SESAME Training Committee, formed at a meeting in Berlin on August 19-21, 1999 and worked in many ways to create opportunities for scientists from the Middle East to gain experience with synchrotron radiation research.
    Best regards,

Herman Winick
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
Division of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SSRL/SLAC MS 69; bldg 137, room 316
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park CA 94025-7015

    We received the sad news from Professor Lee Sing that Professor Gallieno Denardo passed away suddenly on 23 July 2007. Professor Denardo had supported the AAAPT since the 80s and we shared this deep sadness with our colleagues at ICTP and around the world in loosing a great friend.

On behalf of AAAPT

C.S. Wong, FASc, MInstP, CPhys, FIPM, FMSA
President, Asian African Association for Plasma Training (AAAPT)
Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Germany
Fellow, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Plasma Research Laboratory, Physics Department,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    I am really shocked by this sad news. Please convey my deepest condolences to Gallieno's family.
    All the best,

Yu Lu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Interdisciplinary Center of Theoretical Studies
P.O. Box 2735
Zhong Guan Cun
Dong Lu, 55
100080 Beijing
People's Republic of China

    With a great sadness I have received the news of the passing of Gallieno Denardo. I have read the news in the ICTP home page and concur with the description of the very valuable work of Gallieno in the ICTP in general and in the Optics and Laser activities in particular.
    As you may remember I have been serving as SPIE representative in the TSOSA Committee during the last four years. I already have had relation with the Winter School in ICTP from the nineties. I have always appreciated and recognized the very valuable work of Gallieno and all of us also appreciated your very important support and collaboration in promoting the Optics and Laser activities in ICTP.
    I have just communicated the very sad news to Brian Culshaw, SPIE President and Eugene Arthurs, SPIE Executive Director. All of us will miss Gallieno very much.
    I express to you and all the ICTP members my very deep condolences.
    My best regards.

Maria J. Yzuel
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Departamento de Fisica
Grupo de Optica
Edificio Cc
08193 Bellaterra

    Today I heard the sad news about my dearest friend Professor G. Denardo. He was not only my friend but also my mentor. I met him for the first time in 1988. It is almost 20 years. I can't imagine ICTP without him. I am feeling very sad. I received his mail last week. He was quite upset about the plaster on his foot. We discussed the programme of the next winter school.
    For all of us it is a great loss. Please convey my condolences to his family.
    With my best regards,

Imrana Ashraf Zahid
Department of Physics
Quaid-i-Azam University

    I am also very sorry to hear this message. I have known Professor Denardo for many years and seen him regularly during the General Conference. I will always remember him as a real gentleman.
    All the best,

Gerda Zeitlhuber
Office of the Deputy Director General
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

    Yesterday I have received the grievous news about the sudden death of Professor Gallieno Denardo.
    Please, accept my condolences concerning this loss of your chief, associate and friend. My reassurance to all his colleagues and, of course, his family.

Vitaly Zubialevich
Institute of Physics of NAS Belarus
F. Skaryna Ave.
P.O. Box 68
220072 Minsk


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